Knots - Hitches - Cow Hitch


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How to tie a Cow Hitch

Cow Hitch Cow Hitch

Double a length of rope to form a bight. Pass this bight up through the ring or around the pole (from back to front). Make sure the bight is nice and wide and sits either side of the long ends that you are not using (standing parts)


Cow Hitch Cow Hitch

Pull the standing parts up through the bight.


Cow Hitch Cow Hitch

Pull tight.

How to tie a Pedigree Cow Hitch

Cow Hitch Cow Hitch

If only one end of the rope is going to take some strain you can use a Pedigree Cow Hitch.

Repeat as above. Now take the end of the rope and pass it between the bight and the ring.


Cow Hitch Cow Hitch

Pass it all the way through and then pull on the standing part to secure the knot.

Cow Hitch