Knots - Bends - Ashley's Bend


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How to tie Ashley's Bend

Ashley's Bend

Take the end of one rope and make a crossing turn by taking the working end (the bit you are moving) around behind the standing part (the long end of the rope you are not using).


Ashley's Bend

Take a second rope and make the crossing turn in the same way by first putting the working end through the first turn. Then lay the second rope over the first turn and take it under itself. Make sure the end of the second turn is lays on top of the standing part of the first turn.


Ashley's Bend Ashley's Bend

Now hold the two crossing turns together and take both of the working ends in your other hand.


Ashley's Bend Ashley's Bend

Put both working ends through both turns from front to back.


Ashley's Bend Ashley's Bend

Tighten the knot a little by pulling on the two working ends and the two standing parts. You will have to tighten the knot fully by pulling on the two standing parts (in opposite directions).