Knots - Bends - Hunters's Bend


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How to tie a Hunters's Bend

Hunter's Bend

Take the ends of two ropes and lay them side by side (overlapping) as shown.


Hunter's Bend Hunter's Bend

This is the important step. Form a crossing turn with both ropes (imagine them as a doubled rope) as shown. Make sure that the strands on the right side are twisted behind the strands on the left side.


Hunter's Bend Hunter's Bend

Take the working end (short end) on the left side (white rope) behind and then through the crossing turn (from back to front).


Hunter's Bend Hunter's Bend

Take the working end of right side (red rope) through the crossing turn from front to back.


Hunter's Bend

Now pull slowly on the standing parts (long ends not being used) to tighten the knot. You must make sure that the working ends stay tucked in through the crossing turn as you do this.