Ideabase - Chess



This set of files contains all you need to run a Chess Competition.

Be sure to look at the Swiss System page as well as you will need to this to effectively run any chess competition.

Where did the idea come from?

I have been running Chess Competitions for all ages (Cubs to Explorers, District and County) for many years now. This set of resources is what I used for many of them, coupled with the Swiss Perfect program..

Do they really make a difference?

They can be very useful. The booking in sheets allow you to keep a record of attendance and ensure you have some home contact details etc. for each Scout that arrives. The league sheets are used as a backup to the Swiss Perfect program. The information pack is a standard booklet we used in our District to advertise upcoming events as well as ensuring everyone was aware of the details and basic rules. Certificates were always well received and these were printed in a colour code, red for 1st place, yellow for 2nd, green for 3rd, blue for other.

OK, How do I go about making them then??

I constructed my original awards using Microsoft Word 97 although they were redesigned in Publisher (See the comments regarding certificates and newsletters). You can make use of Word's templates and ready made files/wizards to give you the basic layout that you prefer. A simple modification of the text can give you a usable certificate in a short amount of time. I wanted to add pictures to mine so I used a 'boxed-out' frame to hold the pictures separate. To be honest they are not that difficult to construct being mainly plain text in a simple layout. Indeed the certificates sometimes got modified to use on special occasions or at camp.

I have had to construct many different certificates and awards for the district over the past few years and now use various 'templates' of my own construction within Microsoft Publisher. However, there are many different programs out there and I would always recommend a free program for someone to try things out with. Take a look at the Useful Programs list on the GLNE site. All those programs are high quality, safe to use and free!